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Sponsorship and charity


For Elo, sponsorship refers to non-gratuitous collaboration or partnership for the mutual and equal benefit of both Elo and the sponsored party. The partnerships may take different forms or may concern, for example, shared development activities or joint communications, but Elo does not enter into any agreements simply for logo visibility. 

Elo focuses primarily in partnerships, that can be utilized purposefully taking into consideration the balance of local and national visibility. Elo does not enter into collaboration agreements that are directly or indirectly related to any political party or candidate or authority connected to Elo’s business, nor does Elo provide financial support for such activities through participation fees or purchases. Elo does not participate in phone campaigns or other chain campaigns.

Criterias for sponsorship

Possible partnerships are assessed using four questions, which must all be answered positively.
1. Is the object of sponsorship consistent with Elo’s strategy and corporate image?  
2. Will the object of sponsorship reach Elo’s key target groups?
3. Will the collaboration benefit Elo’s activities in general?
4. Can the visibility of the object of sponsorship be measured?

Sponsorship aims

Elo collaborates on entrepreneurship, work and growth, events and visibility. The purpose of the cooperation is to promote Elo's strategic goals and to strengthen Elo's image. Through co-operation, Elo focuses on key target groups and influences Elo's socially important issues. Co-operation and operations must always comply with Elo's Code of Conduct.

Sponsorship in 2022 

Cooperation on entrepreneurship, employment and growth
Aalto University Executive Education Oy (Talouden puolustuskurssi)
ArcticStartUp Media Oy
Crazy Town
Design Forum Finland
Espoon seudun uusyrityskeskus
EY Entrepreneur of the Year
Finnish Business Angels Network FIBAN
Genopcon Oy
Helsingin Uusyrityskeskus ry
Nordic Business Forum
Nuori Yrittäjyys
Perheyritysten liitto
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjät
Suomen Aktiivisin Työpaikka
Suomen Franchising-Yhdistys
Suomen Uusyrityskeskus ry
Suomen Yrittäjänaiset
Suomen Yrittäjät
Associations (Suomen Kuntoutusyrittäjät, STUL Sähkö- ja Teleurakoitsijat, Infra, LVI-Tekniset Urakoitsijat, Matkailu- ja Ravintolapalvelut MaRa)

Visibility and event collaboration
Aurinko Golf Oy
Kalpa Hockey Oy
Kultaranta Resort Oy
Kuopio tanssii ja soi 
Liiga -Saipa Oy 
Mainostoimisto Bravuuri Oy
Oulun Kärpät Oy
Riihimäen Cocks 
Vaasan Palloseura

Charity and donations 

The Annual General Meeting approves the amount of funds that can be used towards donations each year. For 2023 this sum was EUR 15,000. The CEO makes the decisions regarding donations, and they are reported to the Board of Directors each year.

Donations are always gratuitous in nature and are intended for the common good and non-profit (Non-profit means here for example politically and religiously non-attached, or those set up to support science, art, and culture without profit).

Elo charity for 2023

The Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund 15,000 euros

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