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How to apply for pension and benefits

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Make plans

1Retirement is a big step in life and should, therefore, be planned well in advance. Read more about your different pension options:

Retirement based on age >
Security in case of a reduced work ability >
Survivors pension for widow(er) and children >

Get an estimate

2Elo’s Online Service enables you to get an estimate of the amount of your old-age pension, partial early old-age pension and subsequent final pension, disability pension, partial disability pension or rehabilitation allowance.

The service enables you to compare the different pension options and the impact of a deferred retirement on the amount of your future pension.

Apply at the right time

3You should submit your application for old-age pension and partial early old-age pension approximately two weeks before your intended retirement. An application for disability pension should be submitted approximately 2–3 months before the sickness allowance ends, and an application for a continuation of a rehabilitation subsidy at least one month before the previous pension ends.

Apply online

4The most convenient way to apply for a pension or benefit is through Elo’s Online Service. Simply fill in the necessary information and your application is forwarded directly to processing. Remember to include your mobile phone number when you submit your application. This will enable us to send you interim information about the processing phases of your application by SMS.>

Calmly wait for the decision

5We will issue a decision as soon as we have received all the necessary information. Average processing times:
  • 2 days for old-age pension and 1 day partial early old-age pension applications,
  • 6-8 weeks for disability pension applications,
  • 3 weeks for vocational rehabilitation applications and
  • 2 weeks for survivors’ pension applications.

If you have worked abroad, the processing time will be slightly longer.

Request a tax card from the tax authorities

6Once you have received your decision, immediately request a tax card from the tax authorities for your pension or benefit. The tax card must be requested personally from the tax authorities in connection with your first pension payment, but Elo will retrieve all subsequent tax information directly from the tax authorities.

Manage your pension and rehabilitation matters online

In Elo's Online Service, you can do the following:

  • Get a pension estimate.
  • Review your pension record.
  • Apply for pension.
  • Get an estimate of the rehabilitation allowance.
  • Apply for rehabilitation and related travel reimbursements.

Frequently asked questions when applying for pension

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