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What is work ability management?

People plan together in the office

Work ability management advances smooth work activities while also promoting the work ability, health and safety of the employees. Work ability management refers to good, everyday leadership that involves performance management and an ability to proactively raise issues related to work ability. The concrete impacts of work ability management are reflected in lower costs resulting from absences due to illness and disability cases and in the company’s increased productivity.

The aim of Elo’s services is to help its corporate customers to manage their disability risks.

Work ability management services for Elo customers

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Survey the risks

As a customer of Elo, you have access to several different tools to help survey the work ability and disability risks in your company. Surveying the current status of your company is worthwhile, since it will help you to focus measures on precisely the areas in which they are most needed.
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Lead with knowledge

In Elo’s Online Service, you’ll find your company’s pension insurance policies, rehabilitation and pension information, and work ability management tools. Our tools help you to manage your company’s work ability issues in a goal-oriented and systematic manner.
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Advance your skills

As a customer of Elo, you can take advantage of our range of training opportunities, which serve to increase knowledge about work ability risks as a means of enhancing the daily work of your HR personnel and supervisors. The support of Elo’s work ability management experts is also at your disposal.

Daily inspiration from Elo’s blog and articles

 A woman looks at the laptop while sitting

Elo’s work ability management blogs highlight current topics related to work ability management and well-being at work. The blog themes include, for example, a functional work community, supervisory work and mental health in the workplace.

Note: Our articles and blogs are only available in Finnish.

A Work Ability Toolkit for your company's everyday operations

Tree people are talking in the office
Do you need a hand, for example, in developing your feedback culture? Could your supervisors use some tips regarding early support discussions? Or are you looking to develop your own feedback skills? 

Do you know the disability risks concerning your personnel?

Two people look at laptop together
Survey your company’s risks conveniently using our Work ability risk indicator. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete the risk indicator, and you will also gain instructions and tips on ways to improve your situation.

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