The wage calculator helps you to estimate the overall costs of hiring employees
We have devised a tool to help you when you are considering hiring an employee and want to know how much it will cost your company. Elo’s wage calculator enables you to quickly estimate the overall cost of hiring one or more employees. With only a few clicks, the calculator will provide you with an estimate of the TyEL insurance contributions and other statutory indirect labour costs.
Simply enter the employee's gross earnings and age into the calculator and it will provide you with a clear estimate of the following amounts:
- TyEL insurance contribution
- Health insurance contribution
- Unemployment insurance contribution
- Accident insurance and group life insurance contributions and
- Holiday bonus
The calculator is also a great help when you are planning to give a pay raise to an employee or you are an entrepreneur and want to hire your first employee.

Help with taking insurance
Are you wondering when you should take insurance and what you should know about it? Let us help! Submit your contact information and let us know the best time to contact you. Contact our sales team here or buy insurance online.