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We provide lifelong security

We insure responsibly, build a humane working life, and invest in the future.

Responsibility is inherent in Elo's core mission as a Finnish pension insurer and it is built around three focal points:

1. We insure responsibly

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Our operations are trustworthy and efficient. Our customers receive reliable and understandable services and information, as well as the correct pensions.    Our operations are transparent, and their principles are clear, up-to-date, and comprehensive. We promote responsibility by communicating about our own activities and actively participating in the responsibility discussion.

How do we do it?

  • We provide pension decisions the fastest and maintain customer satisfaction at an excellent level
  • We regularly update the guiding principles of our operations and ensure that our employees follow them
  • We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint

2. We Build a Humane Work Life

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We promote a humane work life, where it is good to work and to be an entrepreneur. We support entrepreneurship and sustainable growth. We work for the future and work-life skills of the youth. Our work ability management services help reduce disability risks and extend working careers. An excellent employee experience is at the heart of Elo's operations.

How do we do it?

  •  We invest in partnerships to promote entrepreneurship and the future of youth
  • We support our client companies with effective occupational health services and vocational rehabilitation helps clients back into working life
  • We invest in the skills of Elo's supervisors and measure employee experience quarterly

3. We Invest in the Future

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Our investments secure the fiscal sustainability of the Finnish pension system and the livelihoods of different generations. It is essential to incorporate responsibility into the investment process to manage investment risks and achieve good returns. Through collaboration and active engagement, we promote the implementation of sustainable development goals.

How do we do it?

  • We will align our investments with the goals of the Paris Agreement
  • We will establish a biodiversity roadmap and act accordingly
  • We will actively participate collaborative engagements and triple the annual general meeting attendance of our investee companies

Sustainability Report 2023

We provide lifelong security.
A man looks at the sky

Principles of our Responsible Operations

Responsible business is part of Elo's strategy and culture. Elo employees work responsibly for the benefit of our customers, partners, and Elo.

Ethical business principles (Code of Conduct) define how Elo operates in various situations. They are based on values and operating models and describe what kind of actions Elo and Elo employees commit to, as well as how we operate on a daily basis.

We are committed to adopt and implement our principles of responsible investing, ownership policy and climate policy for investments.

Our operations support and promote especially the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 1: No poverty
The employment pension secures livelihood for old age, disability, and the death of the family provider. We take care of the implementation of employment pension security and invest responsibly.

Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
We support entrepreneurship. We promote employment and extend working careers. We are committed to human rights principles with regards to our own personnel, investments, and procurement.

Goal 10: reduced inequalities
Comprehensive pension security reduces inequality. Our customers receive accurate and equal service. Equality and diversity are at the heart of our HR policy.

Goal 13 Climate action
We are committed to a Paris aligned investment portfolio. We reduce the environmental impact of our own operations.

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
The administration of the Finnish employment pension system has been rated among the best in the world. Our operations are transparent and their principles are clear. Elo does not accept bribery, corruption, and other unethical influencing at any level.
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